Friday, December 5, 2008

summer school ends

So, it's curtains on summer school.
Today was the last day, the graduation ceremony. Once again, i found myself wishing i had my camera. It was just, peaceful and well-attended and generally positive. The police set up very well. They had a nice little stage, a podium, good sound, and were all smiles.
i was on time, but nearly the last to arrive ( generally start an hour late). The ceremony didn’t start for another 15 minutes or so. I took this time to slowly enter the area of festivities- the park, of coarse- and say hello to the people standing outside of the seating area. I greeted a few neighbors, said hello to some friends from the mayor's office, and spoke to this cute girl (actually, i think i just winked at her). Warm smiles and firm handshakes: they always makes me feel welcomed.
We got started. Like any Salvadoran event, there was a table of honor. Seated there were honorable people. Obviously, i was standing in the back.
Just kidding. I was invited to sit there but i cant help but make a scene if in such public view, and declined like i always do.
A few people spoke. Someone launched a few rockets into the air. We gave diplomas to each student. There were 5 classrooms of kids. The last to be presented diplomas were a class of kids i spent a lot of time with. The were younger, 10 and 11 years old, and feisty. I got to be so fond of these kids i found myself clapping and smiling for each kid.
Then, i got a diploma. They gave each person that taught a class or helped out a diploma. i got a hell of a cheer from the kids, and found myself walking lightly. i shook hands with my new friends in the police and gave the kids a big thumbs up. Shouts of "frijol blanco" followed me back to my seat. I was pleased.
That was not the end of the afternoon, and does nothing to convey how it felt to be there. You see, that happens a lot here in el salvador. I catch myself frequently thinking "oh man i wish i had my camera," or "i HAVE to write about this." But then, a little selfishly, i am glad that this or that was just for me. Or, i show up to my computer and decide i don’t know how to write about something. How can i make the reader feel what i do? I can't.