Wednesday, October 29, 2008

i wrote about the change in seasons here a few days ago, three days ago. The NEXT day, rain gave way to wind. It has been blowing ever since.
It's like a new country for me. Palm trees that just, sit there, now blow in the winds like sails on a boat. My house doesn't rock, but the roof might blow away. And the clouds, the clouds that used to sit in the same spot in the sky for hours now race towards the sunset, colors of red and pink and blue.
Today was fun. I got up and had coffee (soon to be fresh from the hillside) and then went into Usulutan City on the 7am bus. The coffee puts me in the perfect mood for the dangerous and fantastic bus ride down the hill. I sat near the open door in back and watched the lush hillside fly by, opening up to a sweeping view of the ocean.
I met my good friend Betsy (who had a cup of coffee waiting, the darling) and we were soon picked up and taken to the government center. Waiting for us were one other volunteer, 20 canadian eye doctors and nurses, and a few hundred squinting salvadorans. In what felt like an hour, i talked to countless people and helped translate between Dr. and patient. I helped the nurses organize, and told a lot of jokes, the most popular being: "what do you call a guy with a broken condom? Dad." yes, the best jokes translate into any language. it was a good time. people who had never seen an optometrist were talking to experts and receiving perscription glasses. Some people were so stunned at having eye sight that all they could do was embrace the closest gringo. some lady kissed me. i held hands with another woman who was a little spooked by the whole thing, until she was given eye sight, at which point she practically ran out of the place to enjoy the day.
And a beautiful day it was. Windy as hell. Im going back tomorrow and friday, and im looking forward to it.

i am BEAT. not even gonna proofread this badboy. hope it makes sense.

good night :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Billy dearest--just checking your blog, and you're back! And looking SO-O-O good. I loved seeing where you live (Dad sent photos today). The rainy season is rapidly approaching here too. Great writing about first pairs of glasses, sunsets, clouds, docile eyelids. Lots of love, Aunty