Friday, March 13, 2009


a few weekends ago, i went to the other side of the country to a place called Juayua. It was a lot of fun. On the work side, we gave some important talks on AIDS and arranged for a famous M.D. to come and give a lecture about AIDS to a group of teachers and health promoters, so that they could communicate the same information to the people in their community. we also took a nice hike to these beautiful waterfalls and did a little high-diving.
Disclaimer: i ddint' do much work: it was all L.B.).


Anonymous said...

Is that you, Will?
A long way to jump.
Beautiful pictures.

Anonymous said...

As Jimmy says, wow!! Congratulations on your first year. I will really enjoy seeing more photos. Great street paving scenes. Love you -- aunty

Ben's Parents said...

I can just see you putting your thumb in your mouth, taking it out and bringing it from one side of your body to the other in an effort to judge the wind--a la Rodney Dangerfield in "Back to School." Good job, big guy.