Tuesday, March 31, 2009


it rained today. for the first time in months. i danced in it. wondered at it. wouldn't leave it's side, afraid it would abandone me. and then it did. but it left behind a memory of it's pending return, true as the dusk breaks. until it does, im like it's faithful pet, sitting in the window, waiting for my master to come home.


Emily Elizabeth said...

Aw, like Rock used to.

One of my best rain memories is of ditching class to dance in the rain in the middle of Wash Park with Maren.

I love you, and I am glad you liked the rain today.

Thinking of you, brother!

jimmy said...

Didn't realize it had been so dry in El Sal.
I know a faithful window sitting dog.

Emily Elizabeth said...


I miss you and I'm proud of you and I'm looking for a replacement bracelet.
