Monday, January 19, 2009

Election Day

i was sitting here when it happened, at my table. Doing something unimportant, something to occupy my time, i was half listening to the outside world. And then, it happened.
The election ended.
People shouting, a chorus of unmistakable joy. Those of us inside our houses drifted deliberately to our doorsteps. Such important news slows you down, like it might disappear if not handled delicately. Amazing. I watched the reaction of countless neighbors, their feelings so readily available on their faces as the winning party celebrated an upset victory. This was the mayoral election. And the left had won. I played the sympathetic friend, nodding my head solemnly, or shaking hands with a mild, celebratory firmness unseen.

Earlier in the day, i decided that i would not hide in my house any longer. No sir. i walked up to the local school, with the lowest possible profile, and witnessed the wonder that is Latin-American democracy.
Paper ballots. cardboard ballot boxes. neighbors, separated by plywood walls and political affiliations, greeting each other warmly. because that's what neighbors do. truthfully, i was amazed at how calm and collected everyone seemed. it was the right time of day to be there. there were other, more intense hours. but i was in no danger, and was greeted by most. i stood around. kept to myself mostly. and thanked god for democracy.

i wasn't expecting this. i thought i would be working with the incumbent mayor here for my remaining 15 months. i had hopes and expectations and plans. and now, well, now i will be working with an office full of new people. it begins on May first, my time with the new mayor and his people.
honestly, after thinking about it for 25 hours, im excited. a new beginning. are there many more precious things in life? in this line of work, you have to be an optimist.

in other news, i hung my new hammock in my house, and plan on watching our new President take an Oath to Country tomorrow.

and, like always, it's a beautiful night outside. "We were born in the night. In her, we live." M.C.

1 comment:

jimmy said...

Exciting to read about successful election in El Salvador.